December 30, 2009

Premier thème pour 2010! First theme for 2010!

Hop, me voici donc avec la prochaine thématique!

On a été plusieurs à s'entendre là-dessus, et on a décidé que le prochain thème serait d'illustrer une recette en bande dessinée. C'est le temps de ressortir vos recettes de grand-mère, les enfants!

Vous pouvez aussi jeter un coup d'oeil au livre qui a inspiré cette idée: L'appareil, aux éditions La Pastèque. (Malheureusement, y a pas de preview sur le site... faudra fouiner en librairie.)

Le libellé pour ce thème sera recipe. Technique libre, tant que ça se lit comme une bédé. La date limite devrait être aux environs du 15 janvier, mais on pourra toujours étirer au pire. Bonne bouffe!


Here I am with the next theme!

We were a couple to agree on this, and we decided the next theme should be illustrating a recipe in comic format. It's time to get these granny recipes out, kids!

You can also check out the book that inspired the idea: L'appareil, from La Pastèque editions. (Unfortunately, there's no preview on the site... we're gonna have to search in bookstores.)

The label for the project is recipe. Free technique, as long as it's sequential art. Deadline for it should be around January 15, but we can always push it back. Bon appétit!


December 24, 2009

Joyeux Noël!

Petit dessin thématique d'hivers, question d'être dans le coup moi aussi :)

The image has been rescaned... I originally scanned it in a hurry before Christmas to realise it was very differant from the original.

December 22, 2009


Joyeux Noël à vous tous!

Christmas time!

My very first blog post on le drawing happening! How very exciting :)

Just wanted to wish you all a happy holidays!
May your Christmas be merry and bright

December 21, 2009

All I want for Christmas

Joyeux Noël à tous !

Merry Christmas all !

Christmas pinup!

Mon premier pinup officiel à vie! j'ai pas vraiment réussi à faire le fini vieille peinture de pinup comme je voulais. Donc, j'ai expérienmenté sur photoshop! Je met deux versions. J'espère que ça dérange personne de voir deux fois le même dessin.

Joyeux Noel!


My first official pinup! ...and I didn't got the render I wanted. So, I play with photoshop a lot and BAM! I got 2 versions. I hope you don't mind to see the same drawing twice.

(hey hey! good in english!)

Happy Holiday!

December 19, 2009

O Christmas Tree!

Juste un p'tit dessin rapido pour profiter de la thématique des Fêtes. Joyeux Noël et bonne année à tous!


Just a quickie to make use of the holiday theme. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!


December 10, 2009

Hurry Down The Chimney Tonight!

Looks like i'm the firsty this time around too...

This was sort of harder then i thought, talk about being out of confort zone? I still think its funny..even though it looks a little weird.

Lineart: Bic pen
Colo and type: Photoshop Cs2
All paper cut outs: Vogue US december


December 03, 2009

The very late bannière!

J'ai réussi à mettre une poubelle au centre de la banner. C'est fort!...

I drew a garbage in the center of the banner...I really don't know what I was thinking. Oh I know, it's because I'm dorky! haha...ha

Version pour respecter le thème

December 01, 2009


OK, first of all, let me say, i"m really happy that so many people are stoked about this blog. And to see people's banner pop up on the blog post, its actually so exiting and pretty much delightful. :)

I'm thinking we should have another theme soon. just cause.
Second, I think that the stuff we draw, the ideas, the themes, the challenges, what you wanna call it, should be "first come, first serve". If you have an idea, post it! then people will comment and we can see who feels like drawing that.

Okidoki, but just to break the ice, and also since emmanuelle had the banner idea, then im gonna poop something now, and see if it pleases you.

-Bic pen for line art
-Magazine cut out collage?
-Retro feel. vintage.

-Stylo à bille
-Collage en magazine découpé?
-Look rétro.

Go for it. or dont. Take some, leave some. And I say if you're one of those sad people who dont like christmas, then use your anger/repugance to make something nasty out of it?

In any case, the label for it should be holidays and the deadline (as we all agreed it should be two weeks) is December 15th.


ps: i do love my french, and my province, but i didnt feel the whole double post thingy today. so that's that.